Is Blue Mountain Coffee Arabica?

15/09/2023 03:37 PM By Jamaica Coffee Distributors

Are Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee beans Arabica?

If you are a coffee lover, you have probably heard of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, one of the most expensive and sought-after coffees in the world. But what makes this coffee so special? And what type of coffee beans are used to produce it? In this guide, we will answer these questions, so you can learn everything you need to know about this exquisite brew.

What is Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee?

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is a classification of coffee grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, a range of peaks that rise to over 2,200 metres above sea level. The climate and soil of this region are ideal for coffee cultivation, as they provide cool temperatures, abundant rainfall, good drainage, and rich volcanic minerals.

Only coffee that meets the strict standards of the Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA) can be labelled as Jamaican blue mountain coffee. These standards include:
  • The coffee must be grown at elevations between 910 and 1,700 metres in the parishes of Saint Andrew, Saint Thomas, Portland, and Saint Mary.
  • The coffee must be hand-picked and sorted to ensure only ripe and defect-free beans are selected.
  • The coffee must be processed using the wet method, which involves removing the pulp and mucilage from the beans and then drying them in the sun or mechanical dryers.
  • The coffee must be roasted to a medium degree, which preserves the delicate flavour and aroma of the beans.
  • The coffee must be packed in wooden barrels instead of jute bags, which protect the beans from moisture and pests.

Jamaican blue mountain coffee is known for its mild flavour and lack of bitterness. It has a smooth and balanced body, with notes of chocolate, nuts, citrus, and floral. It also has a sweet and lingering aftertaste that makes it very enjoyable.

What Type of Coffee Beans are Used for Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee?

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is made from Arabica coffee beans, which are the most widely grown and consumed type of coffee beans in the world. Arabica beans are known for their high quality, sweet and smooth taste, and complex aroma. They also have less caffeine than Robusta beans, which are another type of coffee beans that are more bitter and stronger. 

Arabica beans have many varieties, which differ in their shape, size, colour, flavour, and resistance to diseases and pests. Some of the most common varieties of Arabica beans are Typica, Bourbon, Caturra, Gesha, Catuai, and SL28. 

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is mainly made from Typica and Blue Mountain varieties of Arabica beans. Typica is one of the oldest and most important varieties of Arabica, as it is the parent of many other varieties. It has a clean and sweet flavour profile, with low acidity and medium body. Blue Mountain is a mutation of Typica that was discovered in Jamaica in the 1950s. It has a similar flavour to Typica, but with more body and richness.

Both Typica and Blue Mountain varieties are well-adapted to the high-altitude conditions of the Blue Mountains, where they grow slowly and develop their full potential. However, they are also susceptible to pests and diseases such as leaf rust and berry borer, which can reduce their yield and quality. Therefore, farmers must take good care of their plants and use organic methods to protect them from harm.


Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is a rare and exquisite coffee that deserves its reputation as one of the best in the world. It is made from Arabica beans that are grown in the ideal conditions of the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, where they develop their mild and smooth flavour and aroma. It is also expensive and limited in supply, which makes it a luxury item that is highly sought-after by coffee lovers. To enjoy this coffee at its best, you need to brew it properly using fresh and whole beans, clean and filtered water, the right ratio and time, and the right equipment and technique.

We hope this guide has helped you learn more about Jamaican blue mountain coffee and the type of coffee beans used.

Jamaica Coffee Distributors

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