Why is Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee So Expensive?
If you are a coffee lover, you may have heard of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, one of the most sought-after and expensive coffees in the world. Jamaican blue mountain coffee is one of the most expensive coffees in the world, with prices ranging from £30 to £80 per lbs.
But what makes Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee so special and why does it cost so much? There are several factors that contribute to its high price, such as:
Limited Supply
Jamaican blue mountain coffee is grown in a small area of the Blue Mountains that covers only about 15,000 hectares. The annual production is around 4 million pounds, which is less than 0.1% of the global coffee output. The coffee is hand-picked, hand-sorted, and carefully processed to ensure the highest quality.
High Quality
Jamaican blue mountain coffee is subject to strict regulations and certifications by the Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA), which oversees the cultivation, processing, and export of the coffee. Only coffee that passes these rigorous tests can be labelled as Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee.
However, these factors also limit the amount of coffee that can be produced each year. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee has a very low yield, meaning that only a small percentage of the coffee plants produce beans that meet the strict standards of quality and size.
Labour Intensive
Labour Intensive
Jamaican blue mountain coffee beans have to be picked by hand to ensure the highest quality. After harvesting, the beans are carefully sorted by size, shape, and colour, to remove any defects or impurities. Then, the beans undergo a wet processing method, which involves removing the pulp, fermenting, washing, and drying. This process preserves the flavour and aroma of the beans. Next, the beans are roasted by skilled roasters, who monitor the temperature and time of roasting to achieve the desired roast level. Finally, the beans have to be packed in special bags that protect them from moisture and oxygen. They are then labelled with a certification mark that guarantees their origin and quality. All these steps require a great deal of human labour, which adds to the cost of production.
High Demand
There is high demand for Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, especially in Japan, which imports about 80% of the annual crop. This creates a scarcity that drives up the price of the coffee. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is also considered a luxury item and a status symbol by many consumers, who are willing to pay a premium for its exquisite taste and aroma.
Premium Product
Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee commands such a high price for its scarcity and excellence. It is grown under specific conditions that ensure its optimal flavour and quality, and it is processed with great skill and care. Coffee lovers around the world seek out this rare and exquisite product for its unique taste and aroma.